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AAA Music | 15 February 2025

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Nick B Byrne – Anna

| On 02, Aug 2010

If you haven’t heard, the former front man of both Novello and Evolvers, Nick B Byrne, has gone solo. His upcoming solo album, 4:15 AM is out August 9th, and if first single Anna is anything to go on, is sure to be a success. Anna is a track that requires some patience – it starts slowly, and rather unremarkably. Stick with it though, and you’ll find something rare: a track showcasing real emotion without falling into melodrama or heavy-handedness. Byrne does well to employ layer upon layer of sound – the resulting track is one that builds slowly and steadily to a moving climax. Though it may not be breathtakingly original, that shouldn’t be the only criteria that makes a good record; Anna is enjoyable, emotional and above all, professional – never once does Byrne seem unsure of what he’s doing or why.

Author: Katharine Sparks