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AAA Music | 14 February 2025

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| On 07, Oct 2010

On the 15th November The Agitator will release his stomping second single ‘Give Me All That You Got’, an incitement to gird your loins and join the fight.

It’s back to primal – just drums and voice – stripped down, loud, and in yer face. No fucking frills. Guitars are for decadent capitalist sissies.

24yr-old Derek Meins is not only trying to get you to shake your booty, but, foolishly or heroically, attempting to take it all on – foment revolution, bring down the government, fight the cuts, burn the bankers, storm the winter palace, and anything else you got going. You can’t say he lacks ambition.

This isn’t just another tedious old lefty moaning on about ‘clause this’, ‘budgetary that’, ‘will-the-meeting-please-come-to-order’, and ‘Oh dear, will nobody help the poor dolphins’. This is genuinely exciting. Go see The Agitator perform live and you’ll believe the spirit that once charged rock’n’roll can again inspire, can again be a force for change, can again make ‘alternative’ music genuinely alternative. His rallying-call songs will be the soundtrack for the coming years of unrest.

To this end, the Agitator is kicking off a new movement: NO!-ism. Just say NO! – to all the crap. He’s convinced it could change everything if our fearful politicians discovered how many of us are angry and ready to voice their discontent loudly, scrawling this simple exclamation across the nation’s walls and consciousness.

Is it fair that we have to repay the money gambled away by the City’s bonus-bulging bankers? NO! Should we be at war? NO! Should we accept the increasingly worsening opportunities for the young? NO! Are we content with the pathetic level of truth we get from our politicians? NO! Should we destroy the only planet we’ve got? NO! Is it enough to live only in a desperate pursuit of more possessions, money and pleasure? NO! DO WE WANT THINGS TO CARRY ON THE WAY THEY ARE??? NO!

You’ll be seeing a lot of this word out and about in the near future, if The Agitator has anything to do with it.

There was once a sense in the air that the world could be re-imagined. But before we can redesign the future, we must confront the present. Say No! and give it all that you got.
See him do his wild thing at the following dates:

7th October – Concorde 2, Brighton
22nd October – Concorde, Brighton with KRS-ONE
18th November – Bodega Social, Nottingham, with Marnie Stern
19th November – Audio, Brightom, with Marnie Stern
20th November – Thekla, Bristol, with Marnie Stern
21st November – The Harley (Drowned In Sound), Sheffield, with Marnie Stern
22nd November – Captains Rest, Glasgow, with Marnie Stern
23rd November – The Deaf Institute (High Voltage) with Marnie Stern
26th November – The Lexington (White Heat), with Marnie Stern

The Agitator’s first album, unsurprisingly titled ‘NO!’, will be released in early 2011, just before everything kicks off.

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