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AAA Music | 10 February 2025

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Belle & Sebastian’s Stuart Murdoch ‘The Celestial Café’

| On 09, Dec 2010

STUART MURDOCH ‘The Celestial Café’ (Pomona Books. ISBN 9781904590248)
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Available in all good book shops February 22nd 2010

“When are we going to get a string of number ones, like Abba?” I asked.
“When you grow a pair of tits,” said Bob.

Stuart Murdoch considers himself to be ‘26% a rock star’. He may be exaggerating. Few rock stars spend time compiling lists of their favourite mathematicians or buy extra-soft slippers so they don’t disturb neighbours living in the flat below.

The Belle and Sebastian singer reveals more of these non-debauched tales of life on the road and back home in his native Glasgow. Murdoch, a born-writer, stares out from metaphorical celestial cafés throughout the world, presenting a unique and engaging take on herb tea, Felt, sunsets, church choirs, John Peel, acupuncture, and, of course, catastrophic waitresses.

Throughout, he runs at life fast and true, reminding us all that an empty minute is a minute wasted.

Hit back for copies and interview requests with Stuart – and if you are down at ATP this weekend, Stuart will be reading excerpts from ‘The Celestial Café’ in Reds at 12 noon on Sunday.