aaamusic | On 05, May 2014
Heart, the latest EP from Alexz Johnson, a Brooklyn-based singer songwriter with a soulful yet folk-pop sound arrived in my email inbox with the swoosh of promise. However, when I listened to the first track, ‘American Dreamer’, I was worried about what was to come. The “uhuhhhh” after most lines was irritating and it seemed a bit all over the place.
However, ‘This Is Heartache’ began and my ears began to prick up. An upbeat rhythm contrasted against the sadness of the lyrics made for an intriguing listen. Without even listening to the other two tracks I knew this was going to be my favourite. The stripping back of the instruments at the end allowed Alexz’s voice to be shown off and was an excellent way to finish the track.
‘Nothin’ On Me’ unfortunately slipped a little into karaoke mode and was disappointing after the promise of ‘This is Heartache’, and the ending with the long-held note and low-voiced finish almost sounded like a barbershop quartet.
Then, everything I didn’t like about ‘Nothin’ On Me’ seemed to fix itself in ‘Thank You Breaking My Heart’. Alexz Johnson can definitely crank out a good heartbreak track. The perfectly matched sad whine of the electric guitar and her upset yet defiant vocals were a pleasure to listen to, and the backup singers added effect without being too imposing, which a lot of gospel-type vocals can do.
All in all, Heart is full of ups and downs, though there are enough positives in there for me to be interested with where she ends up musically. There is no doubt her voice is incredible, with its rich and soulful sound and through developing herself and her sound further, I think Alexz Johnson will produce some good solid music, and I will definitely be sticking around to hear it.
Rachael Pilkington