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AAA Music | 27 July 2024

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auditorium | AAA Music

“Mick Jagger. The photobook” opening tomorrow at Parco della Musica, Rome

21 February 2011 |

The photo exibition “Mick Jagger. The photobook” by François Hébel lands in Rome,  produced by  Fondazione Forma per la Fotografia di Milano and Rencontres Internationales de Photographie of Arles and promoted by Fondazione Musica per Roma. The retrospective is … Read More

Paolo Nutini @ Luglio Suona Bene – Cavea – Auditorium

3 August 2010 |

[cincopa 10777670]

Rome, July 18th

The live performance of Paolo Nutini is always a wonderful surprise. He masters the stage like an old bluesman, white vest and a glass of red wine in his hand, he can enchant the audience … Read More

The XX @ Auditorium

16 July 2010 |

[cincopa 10699398] Rome, 6th July

The XX come to Rome for the first time and enchant the audience in the ‘cavea’ of the Auditorium, with a moving and energetic performance.

From the first notes of ‘Intro’ it was evident that … Read More