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AAA Music | 11 February 2025

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OneFest 2012

| On 19, Apr 2012

April 14th

Here we are again, it’s time for the first festival of the year and we’re heading down the Wiltshire highway looking for the love get away……. more commonly referred to as OneFest 2012.

Its a 2 stage affair (and I don’t mean platforms for entertaining, etc), firstly we arrive at the Barge Inn and head round the back to find our camping pitch, yes ladies and gentlemen its raining and forecast to be -1c tonight but this dedicated hardcore element of noise seekers fear no such weather related …… drizzle or ‘a wee bit chilly’, no sir! we are all in the zone and mind set on getting to the bus stop for the 11.40 festy shuttle!!!!!.

Our country coach bound traverse takes us through many small nooks and hilly overpasses and even the occasional market town before halting at the side of a rainless country trail where we all burst forth from said coach reminiscent of that bit in Alien when the thing pops out off…… well, we got of the bus and sodded off to the main arena to get all official like and pass’d up (photo passes that is)

We reach the ticket office and meet our hosts from DawBell, the nice ladies and gents who do everything within their power to make this day a musically, floaty experience for all in attendance. We get our passes – thank you:) and head on in. Now, as said previously, there is no rain from high above, and there may be a spot of the sunshine peeping through, all this is welcome news for the (minor) muddy few who are tromping round the main arena swigging fine ales and checking da place out proper.

The main arena may be small, but perfectly formed and filled with all the goodies and delights that the hoards expect, a great choice of munchies, pies to Spanish eats, lagers to local ales, sweeties (Ye Olde Shoppe stylee) and wraps, main stage and second stage……. small yes, but not bunched up around the butt or busy in any way, the arena has been well set up allowing easy reach of food stalls, bar and stages and a well placed toilet area with no queues!

The rain and nasty stuff stays away as the festival proper gets underway with the main stage erupting into existence, splitting the crowd and providing a well needed reminder that the summer is on the way. We grab a cup of tea and have a seat as the second stage comes to life and a few hundred punters meander into the more-than-big-enough-in-my-book tent to check out this years first festivals, first band, first…. on the main stage. A screaming cacophony of banjo’s, wailing and girly vocals – ah yes, the female Hayseed Dixie has arrived and got all dem local boys an’ gals a dancin’. Ye-Ha-Mo-Fo!. On our shmooz from tent to stage, and back again we encounter mellow acoustic happenings from Magic Numbers sista Michele Stodart, a more rockin’ time with Nick Harper and a propa far east knees up with the colourful and every-so-happy Raghu Dixit. So, was it diverse?, i’d say yip!.
We bounce back and forth between stages – and don’t have to rush around as times are staggered to give everyone the opportunity of seeing every act. The bar is conveniently located to everything… and we set ourselves down to enjoy a little OneFest hospitality which comes in the form of some very interesting (free) beverages which we like….. a lot, firstly we gots the lager, I like the lager….. and by way of promoting a lager which goes by the name of Saint, I can honestly say that my drinking habits are not in keeping with this branding but nevertheless a fine drinky indeed, which I had to sample on several occasion!!! Next there was some cider stuff, don’t do cider and allergic to strawberries…. nuff said.

The day rolls on effortlessly as we get talking to punters, finding foody treats and soaking up the atmosphere which is a laid back, friendly, easy vibe. Although the freeze is on the way, we hucker down for the long haul, and keep on moving, Not as much as some energetic folks who walked up a nearby hill only to roll all the way down……. a bit mad, but entertaining for all at the bottom.

As the sky darkens, the zombie hoards shuffle to the main stage, to grab a spot for this years final act and grand finale, commanded by none other than the Damon of Albarn!!, not many seen this coming from a small festy in the middle of the shires…… but keep your eyes open people cos this gem of a fest may pull more surprises next year……. who knows…… anyways, Dr. Dee as we all know is a kinda opera, experimental, mind trip and very much what I was expecting… although not funky in a ‘crowd dancing in the cold’ kinda way, it was for me without a doubt, a chilled visit to Groovesville during take-a-back-seat-dude week whilst drinking a Pena Colada with a Saturn 5 in it, yes, a somber piece of musical driftwood it was, which for me ended the festival on a real talking point as i walk away with a smile. But, unfortunately a few of the now intoxicated had become vocal about their dislike for the good Dr. and were expecting a more ‘Blur-esk’ type o’thing, and continued this waffle all the way to the camp site. Open your mind a little to new experiences, not limit yourself to everything pre 1995, you twat!

And yes, it was actually freezing that night – although all white and very nice to look at, at the same time very, very bloody cold!! ;)

Massive thanks to Holly, Andy and the gang for sorting out my press do-da’s and being so gosh-darn nice folks, I had a great time, and hope to see you all again next year.

Ah OneFest, you are the fish and chips to my sunny seaside retreat……..


Dave Livingstone