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AAA Music | 8 February 2025

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| On 22, Apr 2014


New EP Into the Night from The Greasy Slicks begins with raw, country and blues inspired rock, nodding towards the style of Lynyrd Skynyrd and Eagles of Death Metal, with a ‘90s funky, lunging style – Pearl Jam spring to mind. The second track ‘Messing With My Head’ features rock-infused, classic country bass-flicks in a sort of hard rock hoe-down, thrown together with energetic hooks and sluggish Zeppelin-inspired plunges. These first two tracks from the EP have similar elements, both conjuring images of Jack Daniels and confederate flags… and energetic self-assuredness to boot.

The third and final track ‘Wild Ones’, however, grabbed my attention the most. This gem takes you in a direction of a passionate and reflective dream-state, in a sensuous nod to resonant guitar styles seen in current bands such as Peace, and an intense simplicity seen from The XX.  The intricate and beautifully precise drum flicks and beats, along with the thought-provoking bursts, show a modern musical relevance within The Greasy Slicks, in the midst of 2014’s increasingly profound and technologically complex ventures in music. A certain musical sophistication is shown from The Greasy Slicks in the powerful use of simplicity as a hard-hitting experience, in contrast to a blustering guitar.

I definitely feel the EP’s strength lies in this final track, which is the only one to convincingly grab my attention as something alluring and ‘different’. It may be a glimpse of what The Greasy Licks could develop into, riding on the resurgence of the ‘indie rock guitar band’ in its new vibrant and more dynamic 2014 incarnation.

The first two tracks of Into the Night are certainly well-crafted pieces of music, however there is a feeling that by closely echoing styles of genres gone by the lack originality, but the final track ‘Wild Ones’ shows a more personal and modern direction in which I would highly recommend them to pursue further – without losing their blues, raw-rock appeal of course.

This third track is the sole strength behind this EP; in short, I think I love it.

Liam Dodd