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AAA Music | 27 July 2024

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Feed the Rhino | AAA Music

Enter Shikari – Live @ Manchester Academy

26 February 2015 |

Friday 20th February, Manchester

It’s been near six years since I last saw Enter Shikari in a live setting, and nearly eight since the very first time when they released their debut album Take To The Skies. I first … Read More

Feed The Rhino – Live @ Sound Control

29 October 2014 |

Feed The Rhino

Monday 20th October, Manchester

The autumnal breeze is beginning to pick up a frenzy, covering the streets in leaves, and Manchester is preparing as the edges closer to the end and we begin to welcome a new … Read More

FEED THE RHINO – Deny And Offend

12 August 2014 |

I’ve seen Feed the Rhino live. It was a pretty wild and energetic set – plenty of heads banging along to their groovy riffs, and fists flying to the heavier bits. ‘Deny And Offend’ makes me want … Read More