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AAA Music | 14 February 2025

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SHAKEDOWN 2013 – Live Review

| On 03, Oct 2013

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Last Saturday saw the return of Brighton’s own mini mainstream festival Shakedown. Being a local Britonion shamefully I’ve actually never attend so what better time to start than now, especially when entry was free.

As with any event small or large the first thing that crossed my mind like any festival goer was, “where is the beer tent” which inevitable is where my day began. Whilst in Shakedown’s ‘exclusive’ V.I.P tent, which I will note had no resemblance to this fantastic/hip/cool space they had advertised online. I quickly made my way to catch the winner of Shakedown’s ‘Band & DJ Competition’ DJ Outbreak.

Opening the SuperCharge stage with a sizable crowd (especially for midday) with his pounding mash-up of Jungle infused Dub most punters had no shame in flailing around the tent (probably helped by the fact it was very dark) somewhat gave a slightly druggy/seedy element to the supercharge stage that I came to love as the day went on. Unfortunately for DJ Outbreak there was one slip up which didn’t go unnoticed leading to one person tactfully stating, “That was a s**t mix”.


As I left the club tunes behind me I turned my attention to the main stage where other competition winners local band Youth Club where just finishing their set. Annoyingly the downside to all festivals reared its head as I only caught their last song but was impressed and would recommend them. On a positive note I was happy to see local legend and Brighton’s oldest raver Disco Pete doing his ‘unique’ hand dance show for everyone, what a guy.

For the next few hours my day consisted mainly bouncing from tent to tent and soaking up the festival vibe while the sun was briefly giving us a lasting memory of summer. Now it had been a while since I was last at a festival and naively forgot how expensive food and drink was, to the point where I had to pay £5 for a ‘real’ burger and stale bun. I believe the words “F**king £5 for that!” may have been used…. possibly. But the sun was out I had my cider and rollies and was watching Tricka Technology (A Skillz & Krafty Kuts) latest venture spin some classic Nirvana tunes into Drum & Bass anthems, lovely.

As time marched on the mash-up ninja himself Jaguar Skills hit the main stage in a BIG way. Easily having the biggest crowd that day the one man wonder commanded that stage and crowd with absolute finesse and control, blasting through a set that saw the likes of Porter Robinson, Jay-Z mixed with classics from Marvin Gaye and Stevie Wonder it was almost un-describable, every serious club junkie’s dream.

As Jaguar Skills came off stage I genuinely felt bad for Delilah who had to follow what for a long time was the peak of Shakedown but she came out swinging, even getting people in the crowd to dance with her on stage, even if it was a bit cringe. Finally it was time for Maverick Sabre to grace Brighton with his raspy vocals and infectious Soul-Pop. Although it was clear the man himself wasn’t well and lacking in power he still gave it his all including a mid set melody combining Bob Marley and his own hits.


As the sun went down DJ Fresh had just finished an explosive set and I was contently perched above the crowd on the sound desk platform and just well loving it. But all good things come to an end as one Scottish angry bouncier kicked me and other Journos off but Ben, my partner in crime and myself had a brilliant plan. Borrowing his spare camera I spent the latter part of Shakedown right in the pit with a front row seat to Nero, Sub Focus, Toddla T and Brighton’s own headliner Rizzle Kicks.

I had never seen Rizzle Kicks live so was completely un-sure what to expect but I was won over very quickly, despite having a phenomenal band behind them, to the point of jaw-dropingly brilliant. Jordan and Harley have obviously grown and come along way since dancing with the ever-ridiculous James Corden. Showcasing their more recent gritty and serious work the two frontmen just gave off a Rock-Star aura the whole set, not a single F**k was given, and I loved it. Bands/Artists are too PC these days, which ultimately made Rizzle Kicks the quintessential highlight of Shakedown, bold loud and above all meaningful.

Words: Daniel Garnham

Photos: Ben McAdam