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AAA Music | 27 July 2024

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orphan boy | AAA Music

Orphan Boy release new single TODAY – video inside!

4 October 2010 |

Orphan Boy release a brand new single ‘Some Frontier’ on the 4th October 2010. ‘Some Frontier’ is taken from the band’s latest album, Passion, Pain and Loyalty’ which was released in August. Both single and album are released through Manchester based … Read More

Orphan Boy @ Dublin Castle

25 August 2010 |

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London, 16th August

Tonight I’m at the Dublin Castle in London’s Camden Town to check out Orphan Boy from Manchester, who just released their second album ‘Passion Pain & Loyalty’.  Orphan Boy – Rob Cross, Paul Smith and … Read More

Orphan Boy:’A band should lock themselves away from the world’

9 August 2010 |

AAAmusic chats with Orphan Boy and discovers pretty interesting things…

AAAmusic: Tell us about the single ‘Popsong’: what is the idea behind it?

Oprhan Boy: The song existed in a previous incarnation which we came back to. This time … Read More

ORPHAN BOY – Album released today!

2 August 2010 |

Orphan Boy are proud to announce the release of their album ‘Passion, Pain and Loyalty’ on the 2nd August 2010.  The single ‘Pop Song’ will precede the album, on the 19th July 2010.  Both single and album will be released through … Read More

Orphan Boy – Popsong

18 July 2010 |

Someone has been visited by the spirit of Ian Curtis. Orphan Boy’s ‘Popsong’ has a deceptively mainstream surface that suits its name, the indie rock sound we’re all too familiar these days dancing across a glassy veneer … Read More