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AAA Music | 26 July 2024

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| On 06, Jun 2013

dreamoirs (1)

After years of thinking about his solo album, Dave McPherson – lead singer and main songwriter for the band InMe – managed to publish his solo work Dreamoirs, the second after The Hardship Diaries, thanks to the support of his fans. The songwriter promoted the album on the music platform Pledge Music; fans could choose a set amount to donate and, not only they would have been constantly updates, but they would have received something in return for their pledge. The project was completely founded in 48 hours.

If you think this album will be a nice appendix of the band’s work well you’re wrong. Dave McPherson explores a more intimate dimension where guitar, bass and drums give way to piano and an orchestra.

Most of the songs don’t have an intro, they just start and punch you in the stomach carrying a powerful sound and enchanting lyrics. With ‘Grotesque is a Beautiful Word‘ and ‘Hey Majesty’s PrismMcPherson‘s voice and guitar are the cornerstone of the songs with the other instruments exalting the tunes. The singer’s voice has a fresher quality; clean and pure.

The second half of the record has a faster pace, which shows McPherson‘s versatile talent to create an organic work but still find the space to craft  peculiar tunes that have their own identity, despite being part of something bigger; ‘Relics of Don Quixote‘ is the most fitting song in this sense. A lively acoustic guitar and a dirtier and more raucous voice deliver a superb product.

It might happen that some albums decline towards the end, this is not the case – last tune ‘The Wilderness‘ is  McPherson‘s best vocal performance of the album. A heartfelt tune  accompanied by a pinched acoustic guitar that becomes more relevant as the song keeps going.

This album and artist are an outstanding example of how being away from the big names of the industry gives the chance to work freely, especially if thousands of adorable fans trust and support your work.

Monica Guerrasio